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Lalgambuk & Djaara’s Connection to Country on the Path to World Heritage Listing

Lalgambuk (Mount Franklin) and Djaara’s deep connection to Country are being considered for World Heritage Listing, which will create greater protection for our special places and greater awareness of our Culture.

DJAARA is at the table, working with the Federal and State government representatives and 15 local government area representatives on the Victorian Goldfields World Heritage bid.

Earlier this month, the Australian Government announced it had added the Victorian Goldfields to Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List.

Tentative Listing is the first formal step on the path to World Heritage status. It signals Australia’s intention to put forward a nomination in the future – after a minimum of 12 months on the Tentative List.

Djaara’s contribution to the bid is a complex narrative of deep connection to Country – including the Dreamtime, the last eruption of Lalgambuk (Mt Franklin), Country being turned upside-down by mining and the dispossession of our people, through to contemporary Djaara cultural practices.

The inclusion of Lalgambuk and, more broadly, the First Nations layer, places First Nations narratives on a world stage.

The research process uncovered significant information about the journey of Djaara individuals and community and their interactions with the goldfields. It identified details of historic markers, legacy and heritage sites and intact cultural landscapes that demonstrate the role of Djaara in preserving cultural practices, advocating for community, and ensuring the survival of their story through challenging times.

DJAARA will continue to work with stakeholders and community throughout the nomination process.

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